Do You Want to Work Dream Improve Grow Create Innovate Lead Inspire be Competitive Imagine Invent Achieve Amaze Help Serve Build Progress Motivate Win Captivate Discover Make Succeed with Myrias?

Located in the City of Austin of the Great State of Texas; We are looking for people! We have a lot of work to do, but if you are ready to be APART OF THE GREATEST EXPERIENCE EVER, leave your email and name and let us know what positions you are interested in and what value you will bring to Myrias. We will email you with further instructions after we receive your message. Looking forward to having you on the team!

Given Evathalin’s connection to The Bible, being a Christian is helpful but not required. We value skill, experience, and a passion for joining this extraordinary journey. Must be comfortable engaging with serious topics such as war, horror, violence, sex, death, and controversial perspectives. There is NO profanity or sexual explicit content in Evathalin.

We are Currently Looking for...

We Plan to Add More Jobs Here!

There are many more positions we plan to add. If you are interested in working with Myrias but don’t see a current opening that fits your skills, you can still fill out the form above and write the word “Future” in the message box so we can email you when new jobs are posted. Looking forward to having you on the team! Si los buscas, los encontrarás

Future Positions

Software Developers

“Talk is cheap. Show me the code.” ― Linus Torvalds

Cyber Security Specialists

"Keep it secret. Keep it safe" - Gandalf

Social Media Managers

"It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you'll do things differently." - Warren Buffett

Blockchain Technology & Software Developers

Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore. - Andre Gide

Web Developers

“Give a man a program, frustrate him for a day. Teach a man to program, frustrate him for a lifetime.” ― Muhammad Waseem