With time, the expectation is that the Metaverse will become a regular and integrated part of our everyday life, just as our phones, and the internet are today. From entertainment to even work, there are extremely exciting opportunities and developing technologies arising for the Metaverse as you are reading, right now! We believe that this is History repeating itself as with internet. In the beginning, most people did not understand or even scoffed at the idea of the internet. However, today, the impact the internet and its associated technologies have had on the world is innumerable. Imagine how Google, Amazon, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Apple, Online Gaming, and YouTube (not including the millions of other internet companies and projects that exist) impact your life every day! Now, imagine the impact the Metaverse will have on the world: immersive digital worlds indistinguishable from reality! A virtual global border-less economy have the potential to change every industry on the planet, which is already happening.

One of the smartest investments one could have made at the beginning of the internet was to buy domain names. Today, great domain names are extremely difficult to find and or extremely expensive, trust me, I know. Some domain names now sell for hundreds of thousands of dollars to even millions. To our fellow futurists, this is the time! The Metaverse is still in the early days, but the possibilities are Myrias (innumerable).

Fields of expertise

Graphic design

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Web development

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Brand strategy

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Art direction

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