
Welcome to Myrias! Myrias (IPA: Mir – jɐs) is a Metaverse Company.

Mission Statement: Everything

All in a Name

Myrias is the transliteration of the Ancient Greek word μυριάς, the same word from which we get the English word Myriad. The word in Greek referred to the number 10,000 but could also mean numberless, countless; a great indefinite number. An ancient greek mathematician of the 3rd century named Archimedes used the myrias as the basis for a numerical system to count the grains of sand that could possibly fit into the Universe. Thus We have chosen the myrias to represent Our Company.

Our Values

  • Freedom: Myrias champions the ethos of uninhibited exploration. Here, users are empowered to engage, create, and experience with complete freedom, fostering an environment where creativity knows no bounds.

  • Decentralization

  • Privacy – Upholding the sanctity of personal experience, Myrias ensures that users can navigate and interact within its realms with utmost privacy.
  • Autonomy – Myrias advocates for user autonomy, granting individuals the power of agency and self-govrnace tailor their experiences and control their digital journey.
  • Neutrality – Remaining ideologically neutral, Myrias stands apart as a platform that does not align with any specific ideology. This neutrality is foundational in creating an unbiased and open digital universe accessible to all. Myrias seeks to be the equivalent of the Internet for the Metaverse.


We are very thankful for the opportunity to serve the Metaverse and gaming community and the world at large. We have many surprises and big plans for Myrias, but we can’t do it without you. Tell your friends, family, everyone! and let’s get this done. Let us leave you with this thought:

Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. – Mark Twain

If you want to invest in the future. We’ll see you in Evathalin.

To get started, check out Evathalin; or learn more about the Metaverse in the main menu.

Fiat Lux

Myrias Begins



Evathalin NFTs are released - Imagine walking through a field to be suddenly dragged underground by a giant trapdoor spider... in VR!!!


Arcanum Arcanorum

We don't want to ruin all the surprises! We are working on the software components that make Myrias a true Metaverse. Stay tuned and up to date, because this is only The Beginning.

2025 - Beyond

Myrias FAQs

How can I stay updated on Myrias?

We plan to put out a monthly newsletter covering the progress of Myrias, the NFTs, the worlds, and the games. This newsletter will be posted on the website under the Newsletter tab in the main menu. This will serve as a place to update the community on the current state of Myrias. Also, minor updates and other content will be posted on our social media channels; primarily Twitter (@MyriasMetaverse) and to our Discord Community.

How can I join?

If you are ready to join Myrias, head over to Opensea to purchase your Evathalin NFTs.

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What blockchain is the project hosted on?

Our current NFTs are hosted on the Ethereum Blockchain. 不用谢

Does Myrias have any utility?

Yes! Myrias is all about utility! From passive income to whole new worlds, more will be revealed as the we progress in Myrias.

How Do I know this is not a Scam?

Right now the NFT space is extremely volatile which means there is much risk and much opportunity. Unfortunately, this also means the NFT space is saturated with scams. You can go on YouTube right now and look up how to easily generate 10,000 NFTs for free. Many people are doing this and basically creating happy faces or some random art (usually terrible art) that anyone can make and go out and get rich, yet giving nothing back to its buyers. It is a very unfortunate event that people are using this space specifically to take advantage of people because crypto and its related technologies are all about freedom and giving power to the people.

We chose NFTs because we believe they are the future. They are decentralized assets with real value as they are unique and can not be replicated. They can serve as memberships, tickets, collectibles and have actual utility. We are interested in utility specifically. Its important to realize what an NFT is. Currently NFTs are usually in picture or video form, but they can be almost anything. In the future, NFTs will probably be a very normal way of proving ownership. For example, a certificate of ownership of your physical car or house may exist in the form of an NFT, which no one can replicate or falsify; you are the sole owner of that item, and with it, you have the ability to transfer or sell this ownership.

That being said, Myrias is not just a game but aims to become a Metaverse itself, full of tons of different experiences; but as with any company, it always starts small (Omnium Rerum Principia Parva Sunt). Even many big companies today started from humble beginnings, so this will take time; we are just beginning.

Of course, you do not have to buy any of the NFTs and are welcome to stay to follow the progress of Myrias. Please feel free to simply follow the social media channels or join the Discord. We are happy to have you here.

Evathalin FAQs

How can I stay updated on Evathalin?

We plan to put out a monthly newsletter covering the progress of Myrias, the NFTs, the worlds, and the games. This newsletter will be posted on the website under the Newsletter tab in the main menu. This will serve as a place to update the community on the current state of Myrias. Also, minor updates and other content will be posted on our social media channels; primarily Twitter (@MyriasMetaverse) and to our Discord Community.

Is Evathalin about The Book of Revelations?

Good question, but it is not.