A Small Mountain on Evathalin

The Mountains

Evathalin is known for many things, but one of its most iconic features is its mountains. The mountains of Evathalin defy all imagination, with some soaring more than 200 miles above sea level. To put this into perspective, Mount Everest, Earth’s tallest peak, rises just 5.49 miles (29,031.7 feet) above sea level. Thus the mountains of Evathalin are truly beyond imagination.

The Science

The only reason why this is possible is because of a combination of unique planetary characteristics.

The Badlands

The Floating Mountains

There are floating mountains in Evathalin.

The Science

Floating mountains, often featured in science fiction worlds, face significant challenges when analyzed through the lens of real-world physics. Numerous explanations have been proposed, but each tends to fall apart when the math is done. Isostatic equilibrium, where mountains “float” on a planet’s semi-fluid mantle, only works for mountains that remain part of the crust, firmly anchored to the planet. Magnetic levitation might seem plausible if the mountains contained ferromagnetic materials and the planet had an extraordinarily strong magnetic field, but real planetary fields are far too weak and inconsistent to support such massive objects. Gas or plasma buoyancy would require mountains to be filled with lighter-than-air gases and to exist in a highly dense atmosphere, yet real mountains are far too heavy and lack the structural integrity to float.

Antigravity or exotic physics, such as negative mass, are entirely speculative, with no experimental evidence to support them—fascinating for fiction but unsupported by science. Similarly, planetary fluid dynamics, which could allow objects to float on dense liquids or semi-liquid surfaces, cannot explain the phenomenon of floating in air. Fictional or magical explanations provide a convenient narrative solution but lack any basis in real-world science. Gravitational anomalies propose local distortions of spacetime, such as mini black holes or other anomalies, that could theoretically “levitate” massive objects. However, gravity wells of such potency would have catastrophic effects on the surrounding environment, not the gentle levitation seen in fictional worlds. Ultimately, while the concept of floating mountains is captivating, no known natural force or material configuration could enable real mountains to float freely in midair on Earth-like planets…until now.

Stay up-to-date to find out how there are REAL floating Mountains on Evathalin.


These are just some of the different biomes in Evathalin, there are more. And a word of advice, don’t go into the swamps.


Audio: Experience the sounds of the wild rainforest and the creatures that inhabit it. The scene unfolds as you and your team navigate the dense jungle on a mission. Suddenly, a Skrith strikes, taking one of your fellow soldiers. Then the roar of a jet pierces the canopy above, followed by the call of The People’s war horn echoing through the trees. *Warning: Audio is Loud.*

The Coasts

Destruction - The Most Terrible Planet

The Planet is plagued by many natural disasters, here are a few common ones:

Human Ruins

Humans have been here for sometime now, and there are many failed bases on Evathalin. You will find many useful and interesting things in these ruins, but careful, they are not empty.