Thatarus - The Abyss

The Creatures

Here are just 8 of the creatures of Evathalin. To date, 230+ unique creatures have been meticulously crafted, each brought to life with great level of detail. Every creature has a rich array of features, including distinctive abilities, and thoughtfully designed characteristics that make them truly one-of-a-kind. These creations are not just placeholders, but the existence, life, and behavior of these creatures have been deeply contemplated over the last few years, with careful thought given to their roles, interactions, and the essence of their being each with its own depth and personality. And even greater news, there are still many more in development! The pictures of course are AI to simply show concepts, but first drafts are hoped to be released soon. Get ready to meet Nith, Throme, Far’han, Alros, Raik, Eroth, Thmouri, Thaithren, Sohel, Braith, Haivren, and so many more.

The Taxonomical System

The Naturalis Historia Evathalinensis (NHE) has a full Taxonomical System of the abundance Flora and Fauna of Evathalin. The System is based on the Linnaean System of Classification, which is the foundation of modern taxonomy and organizes living organisms into hierarchical categories based on shared characteristics. The main ranks are Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, and Species.

The Creature Profile

In The Naturalis Historia Evathalinensis (NHE), all creatures have a Creature Profile (CP). This profile includes its physical attributes, behavioral patterns, habitat, and any known abilities or weaknesses. It delves into its biology, physiology, background, etc. and potential connections to other entities or phenomena. Additionally, the profile highlights any significant encounters, lore, or myths associated with The Creature, providing a well-rounded understanding of its nature. By consolidating all available information in one place, the Creature Profile ensures a thorough and accurate reference for study or strategic purposes. For example, This is The CP for The Weliweli:

Creature: The Weliweli

Common Name: Stalkers
Local Name: Weliweli
Scientific Classification: Pending (requires further study)
Class: 1

Physical Characteristics
Population Status: Uncommon — Found in fewer locations or under specific environmental conditions.
Size: Height of 6 meters (20 ft), Length of 3 meters (10 ft).
Weight: 1,800 to 2,700 kilograms (4,000–6,000 lbs).
Anatomy: A robust skeletal and muscular structure supports its towering frame, allowing for exceptional speed and agility. Limbs are highly developed for ground pursuit, with powerful claws specialized for gripping and tearing. The creature exhibits a large thoracic cavity, indicative of significant cardiovascular and respiratory capacity. Exceptional endurance.
Sensory Systems: Equipped with an extraordinary olfactory system capable of detecting faint scent trails over extreme distances. This heightened sense of smell is coupled with acute auditory perception, enabling the detection of minimal disturbances in its environment.
Max Speed: Can achieve speeds of up to 64 kilometers per hour (40 mph) over long distances.

Feeding Habits: Carnivorous
Social Structure: Solitary — Displays no known social interactions beyond mating or territorial disputes.
Activity Patterns: Predominantly nocturnal, engaging in hunting and movement under the cover of darkness.

Habitat: Prefers temperate forest ecosystems, favoring areas with dense vegetation that provide ample cover and concealment during hunting.

Threat Level
Assessment: High — This creature poses a significant danger to human and animal populations due to its unparalleled tracking abilities and predatory efficiency.
Behavioral Description: Once a Stalker identifies a target, its remarkable ability to follow scent trails and physical traces makes evasion nearly impossible. The creature’s persistence and focus render it a formidable adversary.

Precautionary Measures
Scent and Trace Management
Preparation: Always carry scent-neutralizing sprays or equipment when entering regions where Stalkers are known to inhabit.
Minimization of Evidence: Avoid leaving behind trash, food, or any physical traces that could attract attention.
Personal Hygiene: Maintain a scent-free environment around your location by using scent-blocking materials and ensuring proper disposal of organic waste in sealed containers.

Avoidance Strategies
Refrain from entering known habitats or high-risk areas without sufficient preparation.
Minimize physical traces such as footprints or disturbed vegetation using tools designed to eliminate tracks.
Avoid carrying or consuming strong-smelling substances such as food or aromatic items in vulnerable areas.

Emergency Protocols
Always carry defensive equipment, communication devices, and emergency survival tools.
Be prepared to signal for assistance and report any sightings to local authorities or emergency services promptly.
Use trees or elevated structures strategically, as the creature is unable to climb.

Ongoing Vigilance
Monitor surroundings continuously for signs of the creature’s presence, such as disturbed foliage or faint noises.
Limit exposure by having a well-planned escape strategy in place at all times.

Additional Notes
The Weliweli, colloquially referred to as Stalkers, represents one of the most effective terrestrial predators in its environment. Its inability to climb trees provides a crucial advantage for evasion, but reliance on this strategy alone is ill-advised. Its persistence and adaptability demand constant vigilance and adherence to precautionary measures.

Don't Go Into The Deep Water