Ira Dei

Evathalin is located in the most extraordinary quasar ever discovered, which the Humans call “Ira Dei”. At its core resides the largest supermassive black hole ever discovered, with a mass that surpasses trillions of times that of our Sun. This colossal black hole violently consumes vast amounts of gas and dust, resulting in an unparalleled energy output. The quasar itself emits an intensity of light that surpasses anything previously observed, dominating the electromagnetic spectrum. Its emission region extends over immense distances, spanning light-years, creating a celestial spectacle of epic proportions. The center of the quasar is visible from Evathalin.

The Science

The HydraDeep 2099 Survey

In the year 2099 astronomers launched a ground-breaking initiative called HydraDeep —a multi-wavelength campaign aiming to map and analyze the entire Ira Dei region, believed to be home to a powerful quasar nucleus. By deploying state-of-the-art telescopes and scanners, HydraDeep explores not only the quasar’s luminous core but also the countless stars, nebulae, and potential exoplanets in the surrounding Ira Dei system. The following is The Report:


Name: HydraDeep
Objective: A deep-field, multi-frequency survey targeting the Ira Dei galaxy/quasar environment.
Year: 2099 (Primary data release / major discovery phase).
Scope: Full coverage of the Ira Dei region, extending to nearby star clusters and interstellar gas formations within that galactic/quasar domain.

Binary Star System located at approximate celestial coordinates:
Right Ascension: 15h 30m 27.12s
Declination: +24° 30′ 00.2
Official Record: HydraDeep 2099 J153027.12+243000.2

This binary comprises two main-sequence stars:

Component A – F-type star
Catalog Name: HydraDeep 2099 J153027.12+243000.2 A
No confirmed planets as of the 2099 survey.
Component B – K-type star
Catalog Name: HydraDeep 2099 J153027.12+243000.2 B
Nine confirmed exoplanets.


HydraDeep 2099 J153027.12+243000.2 B b
HydraDeep 2099 J153027.12+243000.2 B c
HydraDeep 2099 J153027.12+243000.2 B d
HydraDeep 2099 J153027.12+243000.2 B e
HydraDeep 2099 J153027.12+243000.2 B f
HydraDeep 2099 J153027.12+243000.2 B g
HydraDeep 2099 J153027.12+243000.2 B h
HydraDeep 2099 J153027.12+243000.2 B i
HydraDeep 2099 J153027.12+243000.2 B j

The Stars

The Binary Star System

Evathalin is apart of The Binary Star System of Eres and The Golden Star. Eres is a F-type main-sequence star and The Gold Star is a k-type main sequence star.

The Science

Evathalin exists within a binary star system comprising Eres, an F-type main-sequence star, and The Golden Star, a K-type main-sequence star. F-type main-sequence stars have a surface temperature ranging from 6,000 to 7,500 K. Its high luminosity and significant ultraviolet radiation make it a dominant source of energy within the system. In contrast, cooler and steadier K-type main-sequence stars have surface temperatures between 3,900 to 5,300 K.

This binary system profoundly impacts Evathalin’s environment. The varying energy output from the two stars creates unique patterns of light and heat, resulting in alternating phases of illumination and shadow. These conditions influence the planet’s climate, creating dynamic weather patterns and diverse habitable zones. The visual phenomena produced by the binary system, such as dual sunrises, contrasting colors in the sky, and light on all sides of Evathalin add further complexity to Evathalin dynamics.

Tyran - The Hurricane Giant

Tyran -The Hurricane Giant - HydraDeep 2099 J153027.12+243000.2 B e
Tyran -The Hurricane Giant

The fourth planet that orbits The Gold Star is a colossal gas giant called Tyran, referred to by Humanity as “The Hurricane Giant”. Tyran is completely engulfed in colossal hurricanes. Tyran has an eccentric orbit of The Gold Star resulting in drastic temperature and weather fluctuations, as well as significant tidal forces.

The Science

All We can say right now is Tyran is big.


Daudin - The Great Worm
Daudin - The Worm of Tyran

Daudin is the only known creature to live in Tyran. Its a worm like creature estimated to be a few million miles in length. The People call it Daudin, as the creature can be seen from Evathalin when it breaks through the hurricane clouds.

The Science

How can Daudin be so large and live in a Gas Giant?


Evathalin - HydraDeep 2099 J153027.12+243000.2 B e IV

The largest and 4th moon of Tyran is called Evathalin. Evathalin is about 5 times bigger than Earth.

The Science

How can Evathalin