The Imperium

Humans have come to Evathalin in search of a weapon, that is believed to be able to Destroy Any Enemy, a weapon, which would give someone The Power to Rule The Universe. The Empire’s primary objective is to establish a foothold on Evathalin, and destroy all the creatures on Evathalin and find The Weapon.


The Imperium’s unwavering determination is to eradicate all the creatures on Evathalin, believing this is the sole path to this unforgiving world, setting the stage for a relentless struggle against the planet’s indigenous life forms. But you better believe the creatures of Evathalin are ready for a fight.

The Base

The Bases



Lots and lots of guns

The Vehicles

The Destroyers

The Destroyers

The Imperium uses Destroyers to hunt down and kill all life on Evathalin. Destroyers are colossal humanoid robots that are terrifying in nature. Armed with extremely powerful weapons, they are ready to destroy all that lies before their path.

Audio: Experience Destroyers. The scene is a Destroyer walking towards and attacking a large creature. *Warning: Audio is Loud.*

The Kaizer

The Kaizer is an extremely evil person.